Saturday 2 September 2023


In lands where punctuality is a virtue rare, 
A syndrome lingers, causing quite a despair, 
They call it "African time," a casual stride, 
But in the world of clocks, it's a reckless tide.

In Nigeria's embrace, it's known far and wide, 
A habit that neglects the ticking tide,
African time, a foe to plans and dreams, 
Where seconds stretch to hours, it seems.

Yet time's a currency, in value untold, To squander it recklessly, we're often told, 
For time is money, a truth profound, 
And those who waste it find themselves unbound.

In meetings and appointments, we must be keen, 
Respect for others, not a fleeting scene, 
For when we honour time, we find our way, 
To progress, prosperity, a brighter day.

Let's bid farewell to "African time" we know, 
Embrace punctuality, let our virtues show, 
For time waits not, it marches on with grace, 
In every culture, every land, in every place.

So let us cherish moments, value each hour, 
In unity, we'll rise, like a mighty tower, For punctuality's a gift we can't deny, Time's importance, let it soar up high.

1 comment:

  1. Content Analysis of Poem: "Ode to Punctuality"

    The poem "Ode to Punctuality" explores the significance of being punctual in various aspects of life, emphasizing the contrast between punctuality and the cultural phenomenon of "African time," which often leads to delays and wasted moments. The analysis of its content can be broken down as follows:

    1. Introduction:

    *The poem opens by introducing the concept of "African time" and its impact on schedules and plans.

    * It highlights the rarity of punctuality in certain regions and cultures.

    2. Critique of "African Time":

    † The poem alludes to the negative consequences of adhering to "African time" in meetings and appointments.

    * It underscores the contrast between the casual attitude toward time and the value of punctuality.

    3. Time as a Precious Resource:

    * The poem emphasizes the idea that time is equivalent to money and should not be wasted.

    * It explores how squandering time hinders progress and prosperity.

    4. The Call for Change:

    * The poem encourages a departure from the "African time" mindset and a shift toward punctuality.

    *It suggests that respecting time is a mark of virtue and responsibility.

    5. The Universal Message:

    * The poem extends its message beyond any specific culture, asserting that punctuality is a global virtue.

    * It stresses that time's value is universally recognized and that everyone should honor it.

    6. Conclusion:

    * The poem concludes by emphasizing the importance of cherishing each moment and embracing punctuality as a means to unity and progress.

    * It reinforces the idea that punctuality is a gift that can lead to a brighter future for individuals and society as a whole.

    Overall, "Ode to Punctuality" serves as a thought-provoking reflection on the value of time and the need for punctuality in a world where time is an invaluable resource. It calls for a cultural shift toward respecting and honoring appointments, meetings, and commitments, ultimately highlighting the positive impact this change can have on personal and societal growth.
