Sunday, 24 August 2014

NMA Suspends Strike

Striking members of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) have
suspended the strike.

The NMA through its official twitter handle @nmanigeria announced the
suspension of the seven weeks strike.

NMA rose from an Emergency Delegates Meeting and decided that the
strike be suspended with all doctors resuming duties ISQ.

"This means that no doctor in the country would be victimised in
whatever form as a result of participation in the strike.

The association announced early Sunday morning. According to Esohe
Blessing @dresoheblessing the strike was suspended following the
outcome of voting by members.

Out of 265 total vote cast, 199 voted for suspension (75 %), 96 voted
against. (24%) ,while persons abstained.

A press conference to announce the suspension of the strike is to be
addressed today (Sunday), August 24.

Following the the refusal of the NMA to call off the strike earlier,
the federal government sacked all resident doctors in the country and
suspended the residency training.

Details of the agreement with the government is not yet clear at
publication time.

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