Monday 12 January 2015

5 Fruits And Herbs That Can Cleanse Your Kidneys

Your kidneys, though small, are an incredibly important part of your
body. Every day, they perform many vital tasks such as cleansing the
blood of impurities, forming urine to remove toxins from the body,
balancing the body fluids and many other functions. That is why
keeping the kidneys healthy is so important. The very best thing you
can do for your kidneys is to stay hydrated and aim to drink 6-8
glasses of water a day. Diet also can make a difference. Below is a
list of the top foods and herbs to keep your kidneys in optimum shape.

1. Watermelon

Watermelon being - as its name implies - mostly water, and also has
diuretic properties. Diuretics cause you to urinate more and this is
healthy for the kidneys and your entire urinary tract as it keeps it
flushed out and therefore less likely to harbor bacterial growth that
can lead to bladder or kidney infections.

2. Lemon Juice

Regular consumption of lemon juice in water is great for the kidneys,
not only help to purify and cleanse them but to prevent kidney stones.
The formation of this painful stones is one of the most difficult
kidney problems to deal with, but the addition of lemon water to the
diet makes the urine more acidic and thus dissolves the minerals
before they can form a stone. It is a great DIY treatment for this

3. Apples

Apples are great for the kidneys - and the body in general - because
they have high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds
which can improve kidney function, reduce inflammation in and around
the kidneys and protect the kidneys from oxidative damage.

4. Turmeric

Since turmeric is great for so many ailments, it's hardly surprising
that it can benefits the kidneys as well. Its antiseptic properties
help prevent kidney, bladder or other urinary tract infections, while
its anti-inflammatory compounds prevent swelling and edema around
these delicate organs. Its antimicrobial compounds also help prevent
infections of the urinary tract.

5. Dandelion

Whether you're talking about the fresh leaves in a salad or a tea made
from dandelion root, this is one of the best plants you can use for
kidney cleansing. They are a natural diuretic, so they help keep the
kidneys flushed out and cleansed, and also have the ability to soothe
irritation of the lining of the urinary tract.

Adding these foods to your diet on a regular basis can help keep your
kidneys cleansed and prevent problems such as kidney damage or the
formation of stones that can be difficult and painful to pass. And
because the kidneys perform so many important tasks, you will find
that keeping them healthy adds to your body's general health and

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