Ebola Virus disease as of today has no cure. Here are some few tips
that can help protect you and your family from the Deadly Virus.
1. Avoid bush meat or any meat you are not sure of its source.
2. Wash your hands frequently with detergent or soad using clean water.
3. Avoid trips to Ebola endemic countries (DR CONGO, UGANDA, GABON,
4. Get a hand sanitizer for people to use in your office and educate
them on the importance of sanitizers. Get one for your kids to use in
school frequently and if possible for their class.
5. Avoid buying Food stuffs, Clothing or other personal materials from
Markets/Shops that share the same vicinity with live or roasted bush
meat, dealer's or sellers.
6. Be careful with hands when using railings on the stairs, door knobs
and other utilities used by the public.
7. Gloves and other appropriate protective clothing should be worn
when handling sick animals or their tissues.
8. Watch out for people with flu-like symptoms and sudden fever.
9. Avoid Pig farms, Pig farms in Africa play a role in the
amplification of infection because of the presence of fruits bats on
these farms.
10. Avoid bat meats and bat products.
Lastly, stop eating in restaurants you are not sure how they prepared
their food for now. You don't know if the food handlers are sick or
washed their hands or even washed the plates well. Boil all water
before drinking and wash your hands often with better antibacterial
hand wash.
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