Saturday 13 September 2014

Professional Sperm Donor Becomes Richest Man In Wyoming

Cheyenne| 36-year old James McIntyre from Wyoming, is certainly an
unusual kind of success story. Born with a rare combination of
chromosomal disorders, his sperm has a 99.86% chance of generating
boys, a specificity which has allowed him to make a fortune on the
international Fluid market. His motto: "It's a boy, or you get your
money back!"

The young and ambitious entrepreneur from Cheyenne, has already opened
his own sperm bank named McIntyre Fertility Bank. The facility claims
to have already dispatched samples of Mr. McIntyre's sperm in over 110
different countries over the last four years, suggesting that the
concept gender selection for children could be more universal than
what most people think. The satisfaction rate is exceptional amongst
customers, as only two of the tens of thousands of children born from
the sperm samples happened to be girls, leading to those customers
being entirely refunded.

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