Thursday, 12 March 2015

63-Year-Old Charly Boy Calls Himself Lucifer As He Releases New Photos

Charly Boy is no stranger to controversy. The veteran entertainer has
been controversial for at least 4 decades and while his new pictures
in which we see him wearing a scarf with a transparent fabric wrapped
around his chest are pretty tame compared to the Unclad pics we've
seen of him in the past, it's what he chooses to call himself that is

The 63 year old captioned one of the pictures, "I am Lucifer"

According to the church 'Lucifer' is another word for Satan/the Devil.
Lucifer also means, "Morning Star" or "The planet Venus when appearing
as the morning star"

See what he had to say about calling himself Lucifer and see the rest
of the pics. Am, Lucifer.
No come dey frown face as if you be winche. As you don hear Lucifer
now, e dey be you like make you take off? Sometimes I wonder, What's
really is in a name.

Yea! Sometimes a name could be such a big deal. Am sure you've heard
the phase "As pious as a Pope", but sometimes some of the Popes ain't
all that, abi? As gentle and peaceful as Jesus, who really thought his
followers Love and tolerance.

Now,when you hear the name Lucifer nko? All negative things come to
mind, like demons, Satan, evil, wickedness, name it. However, such
mindset is as laughable as it is ridiculous and nonsensical.

Now, let me bring light to the hidden things of darkness. The task is
a laborious one but it is neither impracticable nor useless, just a
way of sharing this Truth on some things hidden by the darkness of
prejudice and ignorance.

The ignorant erroneously believes that Lucifer = Satan, has struck its
roots too deep in the soil of blind faith, to allow many people to
bravely, boldly, and unashamedly accept the true origins and true
nature of what the so-called Lucifer actually is.

Those who attempt to do so are always bound to be immediately labelled
as "satanists" and "devil worshippers" like Us, by a certain class of
Christian, those whose trademark characteristics invariably tend to be
wilful ignorance and mental laziness.

It has indeed become a "branded name," one which still automatically
conjures up the image of an anthropomorphic devil even in the minds of
the most hardened atheists. Haba, e don do.

Consider these few points.
"Lucifer" literally means Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn,
Shining One, or Morning Star. The word has no other meaning.
Historically and astronomically. The word "Lucifer" occurs only once
in the entire Bible.

This is in Isaiah 14:12, which says: "How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!" Those who read this verse in its
actual context will clearly see that the sentence is applied
specifically to a certain Babylonian king who was an enemy in war of
the Israelites.

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